CJ Carmichael CJ Carmichael
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Wasting Time

What do you like to do when you have a few minutes—or an hour—to spare in your day? I’m talking about things that you do for pure enjoyment, not because they are good for you, or helpful to someone else. Just fun.

I confess I have a guilty pleasure…I like to play a game of spider solitaire in the morning before I dive into my writing. This is fine if I wrap up the game in 15 or 20 minutes. But those puzzles are diabolical and some take over an hour to solve! And I’ve been known to waste an entire morning because I didn’t want to give up…Grrrr!


What are some other time wasters I indulge in? Scrabble on my ipad. Scrolling through my Facebook feed. And what about movies and reading novels? I spend lots of time doing that. Does that count as wasting time?

I used to feel guilty about these indulgences. But I’ve been thinking about a quote that I used to dismiss. Seems to be it just might be true.

bertrand-russellWe can’t ignore our work and other responsibilities. But maybe we need to stop feeling guilty about the little pleasures we thinking of as “wasting time.”

To celebrate Bertrand Russell, and his wisdom, please tell me what you like to do that you consider “wasting time.” One random winner will be chosen to receive two box sets of romance novels containing, in total, 24 stories.  And just remember, when you’re relaxing and enjoying these romantic tales, you are not wasting time!

(Originally published in Totebags & Blogs, May 2014)

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