CJ Carmichael CJ Carmichael
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News & Updates

New Film Possibilities

April 2, 2020

A film producer has signed a shopping agreement with my publisher (Tule Publishing) for one of my older books. Love Letters From Grace is currently scheduled to be updated and reissued in trade paperback and e-book formats in 2021. Very excited at the possibility it might also go to film!

Shannon Sisters Trilogy: Titles and Pub Dates

March 13, 2020

Excited to announce the new titles and publishing dates for the Shannon Sisters Trilogy! Book one, A Cowboy’s Proposal, will be published on September 8, 2020, followed by A Convenient Christmas Proposal on November 17, 2020 and A Hometown Proposal on January 26, 2021. Look for the cover reveal soon!

New Contract, New Books!

January 16, 2020

I’m happy to announce I’ve just signed a contract with Tule Publishing to reissue my romantic-mystery trilogy, The Shannon Sisters. The titles of the books are: Second-Chance Proposal, Convenient Proposal and Lasting Proposal. The first of the books will be coming this spring.

New Reviews in for Bittersweet!

November 12, 2019

Readers are already posting reviews for Bittersweet which was released today. So satisfying to see the story and characters being well received. Thank you readers!